Asturias Cider Chair

The Sidra de Asturias University Chair was created with the purpose of responding to the need to intensify and coordinate relationships between the academic field, the business world and institutions, thus promoting scientific-cultural dissemination actions, knowledge transfer and training in all aspects related to the production, promotion and consumption of the native drink; establishing as one of the essential purposes of the organization the use of the knowledge generated by the University of Oviedo. Another of the basic objectives of the chair will be to try to establish itself as a multi and interdisciplinary platform from which to address all the fields of knowledge in which cider has, in one way or another, a prominent presence. In this sense, it should not be ignored that cider production, and the culture associated with it and its consumption, have become one of the most dynamic agri-food and leisure sectors in the region. The creation of the entity will therefore constitute a solid stimulus to the creation of links between higher education and the sector’s reality. In this way, researchers from diverse disciplines such as economics, life sciences, geology, humanities and social sciences, agronomy or tourism and gastronomy will gather around the chair.

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Dpto. de Historia/Area de Historia Contemporanea Despacho 2109

Campus del Milán C/ Amparo Pedregal s/n

33011 Oviedo/Uviéu, Asturias, Spain


+34 985 10 44 29



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