Properties of Asturias Cider

The Regulatory Council of the PDO Sidra de Asturias collaborates with this pioneering study, fulfilling its objective: to promote the ciders covered under the Sidra de Asturias DOP brand, promoting their knowledge.

Transmitting information and knowledge about it to the different markets and consumers, so that the quality of this drink is differentiated and appreciated.

  • Dña Belén Suárez Valles. Jefa del  Área de Tecnología de los Alimentos. SERIDA
  • Dña Eva García Vázquez. Catedrática Departamentod de Biología Funcional de la Universidad de Oviedo.
  • Dña Alba Ardura Gutierrez. Doctora en Ingenieria Química y Tecnológica del Medio Ambiente.
  • Don Vicente Fernández-Nespral Bertrand. Dr Cirujano General y Del Aparato Digestivo del Hospital Universitario Madrid Montepríncipe.


Estudio Actividad Biológica y Propiedades Funcionales

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